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Top Cisco Packet Tracer Commands for Efficient Network Setup


cisco packet tracer commands

Cisco Packet Tracer is a network simulation tool used for practicing networking concepts. Here are some commonly used commands in Cisco Packet Tracer:

Below are those Top Cisco Packet Tracer Commands

Basic Commands

  • enable: Switch to privileged EXEC mode.
  • configure terminal (or conf t): Enter global configuration mode.
  • show running-config (or show run): Display the current configuration.
  • show startup-config (or show start): Display the configuration saved in NVRAM.
  • copy running-config startup-config (or copy run start): Save the current configuration to NVRAM.
  • reload: Restart the device.

Interface Configuration

  • interface [type] [number]: Enter interface configuration mode (e.g., interface GigabitEthernet0/1).
  • ip address [ip-address] [subnet-mask]: Assign an IP address to an interface.
  • no shutdown: Enable an interface.
  • shutdown: Disable an interface.
  • description [text]: Add a description to an interface.

Routing Commands

  • router [protocol]: Enter routing protocol configuration mode (e.g., router ospf 1).
  • network [network-address] [wildcard-mask]: Define networks for routing protocols.
  • router bgp [as-number]: Configure BGP routing.

VLAN Configuration

  • vlan [vlan-id]: Create a VLAN.
  • name [vlan-name]: Assign a name to a VLAN.
  • interface [type] [number]: Enter VLAN interface configuration mode.
  • switchport mode [access|trunk]: Configure the switch port mode.
  • switchport access vlan [vlan-id]: Assign a VLAN to an access port.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

  • access-list [number] [permit|deny] [source] [wildcard]: Create an ACL.
  • ip access-group [number] [in|out]: Apply an ACL to an interface.

Other Useful Commands

  • ping [ip-address]: Test connectivity to a device.
  • traceroute [ip-address]: Trace the path packets take to a destination.
  • show ip interface brief: Display a summary of interfaces and their IP addresses.
  • show vlan brief: Display VLAN information.

Feel free to ask if you need details on any specific command or configuration!

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