How to Delete Command in Packet Tracer


In this post I will show you How to Delete Command in Packet Tracer. If you enter a wrong command by mistake you shouldn’t be panicked about it. I will give you the perfect solution how to cancel command in packet tracer. So please read the whole post to know how to delete previous command in packet tracer.

How to Delete Command in Packet Tracer

As an example, I will take one Router and one PC on Packet Tracer. I will connect the Router to this PC with a console cable. I will connect the console cable to the Router console port and the PC’s RS232 port.

how to clear command prompt in cisco packet tracer
Figure: One Router and One PC
how to delete command in packet tracer

Figure: Console Cable

how to clear command in packet tracer
Figure: Connect Console cable to the router console port
how to cancel command in packet tracer
Figure: Connect the Console cable to the PC's RS232 port

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Now I will configure the Router with the IP address and all necessary commands. Here my Router default name is Router0 and PC0. I will configure the Router from the PC0. 

At first, I will click the PC0 and then choose Terminal. Keep the Terminal default settings and press the OK. Then this interface will come up.

how to delete previous command in packet tracer

Figure: Terminal emulation program

how to delete something in packet tracer

Figure: Terminal default settings

how to cancel a command in packet tracer

Figure: Terminal command prompt interface

This will ask you would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?   [yes/no] : 

Just you will type “no” or “n”. Then a new message will appear which is Press RETURN to get started ! and you need to press the enter button.

how to cancel a command in packet tracer

Now I am in a User Exec mode because this is Router>. This greater than sign defines the User Exec mode. 

how to clear command prompt in packet tracer

Figure: User EXEC mode

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To enter the Privileged EXEC mode I will type en or just press the tab button this will automatically complete the command "enable". Then press the enter button.

how to clear the command prompt in packet tracer

Figure: User EXEC mode command "enable"

Now I am in a Privileged EXEC mode and I could configure the Router. Router# sign defines the Privileged EXEC mode. To enter the Global configuration mode I have to type “conf t” or just press the tab button, it will automatically complete the command conf terminal. Conf terminal means configuration terminal.

how to clear command in packet tracer
Figure: Privileged EXEC mode

how to delete command in packet tracer
Figure: Privileged EXEC mode command "conf t"

Now I will rename the Router default name from Router to R. To change the Router default name I will use the command “hostname”, “hostname R”. After entering this command my hostname will change to R. 

how to cancel command in packet tracer
Figure: Global Configuration mode command "hostname"

If  I want to delete this command I will use the “no” command before the hostname command. By using this “no” command, hostname has changed from R to the previous hostname Router.

how to delete previous command in packet tracer
Figure: no hostname command

how to delete something in packet tracer
Figure: Previous hostname Router

I set the IP address to the router GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface. The assigned IP address is If I want to delete this IP address or delete this ip add command I will use “no” command with a prefix of no ip add. Before entering “no ip add” command the GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface IP address was

how to cancel a command in packet tracer

Figure: Set GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface IP address

how to clear command prompt in cisco packet tracer

Figure: Assigned GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface IP address

how to delete command in packet tracer
                        Figure: no ip add interface configuration mode command

After entering “no” command as a prefix of “ip add” the router GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface IP address section will show there is no assigned ip address which means it is null. From the User Exec mode just enters “show ip interface brief” command and it appears GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface unassigned IP address.

how to clear the command prompt in packet tracer

Figure: After applying "no ip add" interface configuration mode command
how to clear command prompt in packet tracer
Figure: Port GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 interface IP address not set

So this is the post that has taught you how to delete command in packet tracer. Thanks for reading this post. Do you have any question? If any please leave a comment in the comment box below. I will try to reply promptly.


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