Part-2: 4 Best Easiest Ways How to Take Desktop Screenshot

In my prior post which is Part-1, I described two methods for how to take desktop screenshot. I named those two methods are Method-1 and Method-2. Now in this post, I will cover the remaining two methods which are Method-3 and Method-4. So please read the whole post carefully. 


How to Take Desktop Screenshot by Using Snipping Tool

A snipping tool is a Microsoft Windows default software or program. Using this tool you can easily take your desktop screen picture. Ok now, this is the question where you will find the snipping tool?? So please don’t worry I will help you to get this default tool. 

4 best easiest ways how to take desktop screenshot

                                 Figure: Microsoft Windows Snipping Tool

At first, you have to go to your computer start menu. Click the windows start menu icon. A new interface will be opened. Please see those screenshots.

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how to take a screenshot on a pc

                                    Figure: Windows Start Menu

Now in the “Search programs and files” section just type “sni” or “snipping”  and just notice under the Programs(1) section you will find the “Snipping Tool” with the scissor icon.

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how do you take a screenshot on a pc

Figure: Search Programs and Files, Windows Snipping Tool with Scissor icon 


Just click the snipping tool and your desktop screen will be dimmed that means this tool is now ready to take your desktop screenshot.

how to take screenshot in pc windows 7
                            Figure: Screen Background dimmed

Click on the “New” right side drop-down menu and from this drop-down menu, you will find total four options which are “Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip and the last one is Full-screen Snip. Usually, the default selection is Rectangular Snip and it is the most commonly used selection. 

how to screenshot on windows desktop

how to screenshot on pc windows 7

                  Figure: Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip and Full-screen Snip

So I will use this selection to take a snapshot of my computer screen. I mentioned before that when the snipping tool will be ready to take the desktop screenshot your computer background screen will be dimmed.

how to take screenshot in pc windows 7

              Figure: (Dimmed Background Screen) Ready to take the desktop Screenshot

Now it is time to take the grab your screen by using the snipping tool. So just click and hold on your mouse's left button to drag the particular screen. When your dragging desire will be fulfilled just left the mouse left button otherwise until the dragging moment holds the mouse left button. After leaving the holding mouse left button snipping tool will automatically take your particular desktop screen screenshot. 

how to screenshot on desktop computer

                                  Figure: Pressing and holding the Mouse Left Button

After taking the screenshot I have to save it. For saving the snapshot I can use snipping tool save option or file option, from the file option I can select “Save As” option. Please see those attached screenshots.

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how to take a screenshot on a dell desktop

Figure: Snipping Tool Save and Save As Option

Ok, I will select my desktop “New Folder” location for saving my taken snapshot.  Before saving the shot I will rename it. The default name is Capture.PNG. I will also change the file extension .PNG to .JPG . I changed the default file name Capture to Google Chrome because I have taken the Google Chrome interface shot. And also changed the default file extension .PNG to .JPG. Because .JPG is small file size and this file extension is convenient for SEO. And then click the “Save” button to save it.

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how to take a screenshot on hp desktop

4 best easiest ways to take screenshot in pc

how to take screenshot in pc

Figure: Desktop New Folder Location, Rename Screenshot, Changing file extension and saving the screenshot


So now I have to check the saving screenshot did it really save to my desktop “New Folder” ?? I will directly go to my computer desktop “New Folder” and I found my saving screenshot Google Chrome.JPG. The .JPG letters are all capital letters this is the case may be for snipping tool .

desktop screenshot

Figure: Checking Screenshot image in Desktop New Folder

So this is Method-3, How to Take Desktop Screenshot by Using Snipping Tool.


How to Take Desktop Screenshot by Lightshot

I have already described three methods. Now I will talk about the last method which is Method-4. Personally I use this method to take my desktop screenshot in my everyday life. And this method very easy and also very convenient for me to take my desktop screenshot. I am talking about the Lightshot. Lightshot is not a windows default software like Paint Tool. You have to download and install it. Don’t worry I will include the Lightshot download link from where you can download it. Go to and download the Lightshot from below this link.

how to screenshot on desktop

Figure: Best Screen Capture Software

There are 4 options you can download it. Those are Lightshot Application for Windows, Mac OS Lightshot Application, Ubuntu Lightshot Application, and the add-on or extension for Google Chrome. Those options are developed for different OS that means different Operating Systems and the Lightshot has been made for those supported Operating Systems.

how to take desktop screenshot

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Figure: Lightshot for Windows, Mac, Ubuntu and Google Chrome

Ok now let’s go to our main point. The installation process of Lightshot is very easy like any other software. I think I don’t need to discuss the installation process of Lightshot. After completing the Lightshot installation you can find it from your computer start menu. Just type here Lightshot on the “Search Programs and files”. Or you can find it from the Start Menu right-hand side upper arrow icon. Just click on the upper arrow icon. You will find the Lightshot violet color leaf logo. And it is a shortcut of Lightshot. Please see the attached screenshot.

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how to screenshot on windows desktop

Figure: Finding Lightshot from Start Menu

Ok now let's move on to How to Take Desktop Screenshot by using Lightshot. By using this software taking screenshot is very easy. Just press your keyboard “Print Screen” button. The whole of your computer or desktop background will be dimmed which means the Lightshot is ready to take the snapshot of your desktop screen. 

4 Best Easiest Ways to Take Screenshot in Pc

Figure: Keyboard Print Screen Button

So just click and hold on your mouse's left button to drag the particular screen. When your dragging desire will be fulfilled just left the mouse left button otherwise until the dragging moment holds the mouse left button. After leaving the holding mouse left button Lightshot will be automatically taken your particular desktop screen photo. Which is very convenient for taking your screen capture by using this tool. And this is why I like this software very much.

how to screenshot on desktop computer

Figure: Pressing and Holding the Mouse Left Button

After taking the screenshot I have to save it. For saving the snapshot I can use this tool save option or just press your keyboard Ctrl+S button to save the screenshot. 

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Figure: Keyboard Shortcut for Saving purpose

Personally, I use this tool “Save” option. I don’t use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S button. Because if I use keyboard shortcut I will not know where my screenshot will be saved. It will save your image to the default selection location. So I prefer the Lightshot manual “Saving” option. Please watch this video from 9 minutes 20 seconds for how to save screenshots in Lightshot.

Figure: Youtube Video for How to Take Desktop Screenshot

There is an upload option to upload the screenshot. And also you can upload your picture manually in Lightshot by creating a Lightshot account. Creating a Lightshot account is very easy. You can create a Lightshot account by Facebook. There is a Gallery where your all pictures or images will be stored. All of the screenshots have particular links and you can just click on the Copy button to share your link with anyone or your clients. And if you want to delete the screenshots just click on the delete button to delete the screenshot. And you can add a title to your image or rename your image. I changed my screenshot name to Google Chrome. Please see these screenshots below.

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how to screenshot on desktop computer

how to screenshot on lenovo desktop

how to take a screenshot on a dell desktop

Figure: Lightshot Gallery,Copy,Delete and Rename option

To upload any photo just type in the Google Chrome address bar Using the Browse images feature or just dragging your images here you can easily upload any shot or image to the Lightshot gallery. To upload any photo just click the Browse images feature or just use drag and drop by using your computer mouse left button exactly the same as the taking screenshot process.

how to take a screenshot on a pc

how to screenshot on dell desktop

Figure: and Lightshot Browse image feature

As an example, I want to upload Screenshot_1.jpg image from my computer so I will use the Browse images feature or I can use drag and drop. After successfully uploading the shot a shareable link will be created like the attached screenshots. You can also share your snapshot on social media by using this shareable link. To check your uploaded photo just click on the Sign-in option to go to the Lightshot Gallery. From the Gallery under the Screenshots history, you will find all of your uploaded photos or images.

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4 Best Easiest Ways How to Take Desktop Screenshot

how to take desktop screenshot

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how do you take a screenshot on a pc

Figure: Lightshot browse images,uploading screenshot,shareable link and Lightshot gallery

There is a small g icon. By using the g icon you can find similar images from google. I didn’t use this feature before. So I am not clear about this. At the right-hand side of the g icon, a social share icon is available. You can use this icon to share your image on the social platform. Please watch this video from 9 minutes 20 seconds.

Figure: Youtube video for How to Take Desktop Screenshot 

Also, a pen icon is available in Lightshot. Using the pen tool or pen icon you can draw anything to your screenshot. The line tool is another feature of this software. With the Line icon, you can draw a straight line, horizontal line and vertical line as per your wish.

how to take screenshot in pc windows 7

how to screenshot on dell desktop

Figure: Lightshot Pen and Line tool example

There is also an arrow icon to indicate any important point. You can change the arrow icon color from the color box. Drawing an arrow is very easy. Just drag and drop your mouse from left to right, right to left, upper to bottom, bottom to upper. Please see this attached screenshot.

how to screenshot on hp desktop

Figure : Lightshot arrow tool example

There is a Rectangular icon to mark the important point. You can also change the rectangular color from the color text box. Another feature tool is the Marker icon. You can give any color as your wish to indicate any important part to your picture or image. This color will be set as a background color.

how to screenshot on pc windows 7

how to take screenshot in pc windows 7

Figure: Lightshot Rectangular and Marker Tool example

From the text feature, you can insert a text box to write anything or add text to your screenshot or screenshots. You can also add text color from the color changing box and it is possible to add a custom color. At the bottom side which is under the color box, you will find an anti-clockwise arrow sign which is undo just click on this icon to go to the undo or just press the keyboard Ctrl+Z button.

how to screenshot on windows desktop

Figure: Lightshot Text feature example

Using all features of this desktop app is very easy and convenient for anyone. For those features of Lightshot, I like most this software very much. For this post, it was my main attraction so I described it all functionality at the end of the post Method-4.

I have fully described about the whole process of 4 Best Easiest Ways How to Take Desktop Screenshot. I have divided this post into two parts Part-1 and Part-2. Otherwise, this post will be very long and you will be bored to read this whole post. I tried to give my best effort to write every step of How to Take Desktop Screenshot in detail. If you are confused anywhere please leave a comment in the comment section below. I will try to reply promptly. I appreciate your any criticism. Your comment will help me to write a new post. Thanks for your patience to read the whole post and thank you very much.    

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