Part-1: 4 Best Easiest Ways to Take Screenshot in Pc

In this Part -1, I will describe the first two methods for how to take screenshot in PC. And a later post I will discuss the remaining two methods. So please read the whole post to know how to take a desktop snapshot.

Method 1:

How to Take a Screenshot on a PC by using Paint  and Print Screen button

In this method, I will discuss about windows default program which is MS Paint. You can use this program to take a desktop screenshot. So at first press on your keyboard Print Screen button. You will find the Print Screen button at the top of your keyboard F12 right-side button.

4 Best Easiest Ways to Take Screenshot in Pc

Figure : Keyboard Print Screen Button

When you will press the Print Screen button it will take your current screen screenshot. When you want to take the particular screen screenshot then you need to go to this area and just press the Print Screen button. It will capture your computer full screen by taking your desire screenshot. And the taken screenshot will be copied to the clipboard.

how to screenshot on pc windows 7

Figure : My taken Screenshot

 Now you have to paste the shot  for saving purpose. So at this moment you have to open the MS Paint tools to save the taken screenshot that you have already taken. To find the Paint program just go to the start menu and click the start menu and in “Search programs and files” bar type “Paint”. And you will find the paint program to your first program.

desktop screenshot

How to Take a Screenshot on a PC

how to screenshot

Figure : Windows Start Menu,Search Programs and Files, Paint Tool


Now open the Paint and press the Ctrl+V or click the Paint paste option to put the free screenshot.

how to screenshot on computer

how to screenshot on hp laptop

                        Figure: Taken Screenshot has pasted on Paint Tool

And click the save or press the keyboard Ctrl+S button to save your
screenshot for PC.

how to take screenshot in pc
screenshot software

Figure: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S or manual Save option on Paint Tool

On the other hand you can choose “Save As” option to save the screenshot for pc in different file extensions such as png,gif,jpg,bmp etc.You can find the save as option from the below figure. Please notice this figure.

screen capture

screenshot taker

Figure: Save As option on Paint

I will choose the JPEG picture option because .jpg is a small file size than .png. But you can choose any extensions whatever you want for saving your screenshot.

screenshot program

Figure: JPEG picture extension selection for saving

And you can also rename or change your file name with your desired file name. I rename my default screenshot name to Google Analytics because it is exactly matched to my taken screenshot and always try to rename the file name to the relevant image it is a good practice to keep your picture or image name is relevant to the image or screenshot.

screenshot tools

Figure: Rename default name to Google Analytics 

And also you can select the location where you want to save your screenshot on pc. I want to save it to my desktop so I select desktop and in my desktop a folder name is Quora. I want to save this .jpg image to this desktop Quora folder. 
And then just click on the save button to save your screen shot.

computer screen capture

how to screen capture

Figure: Saving Screenshot location

Now I will go to my desktop folder Quora to check my screenshot does it really exist to this folder. Please see the attached image you are clearly seeing that my screenshot “Google Analytics” exists to it.

screen shot

Figure: Checking folder for saving Screenshot confirmation

So this is method 1 how to take a screenshot on windows 7, I have already described.


Method 2: 

How to take screenshot on computer  by  Print Screen Button and Photoshop

So now I will discuss about the Method 2 which is to capture your computer screen with the help of keyboard Print Screen Button and Photoshop. To capture your full screen just press the Print Screen Button. In method 1 I have already mentioned where you will find the Print Screen Button. Ok now after pressing the Print Screen Button it will automatically copy your particular shot and just open Photoshop.

screenshot download

Figure: Open Photoshop Interface

Before paste the screenshot open a new white background document. To open a new white background you have to go to the photoshop file option and from the file option click the "New" or press your keyboard Ctrl+N button and a new pop up window will open and ask you to keep the default name or rename your document, typically default name is Untitled-1.

how to screen capture on pc

free screenshot

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Figure: Photoshop File,New and Untitled-1 document

You can create custom width and height. As for an example I took width 600 pixels and height 400 pixels then paste it on Photoshop. You can rename your document. I changed the default name to my desire name which is “Screenshot” and then click on the Ok button and a new white interface will be opened.

how to screen shot

how to screenshot

Figure: Resize and Rename Photoshop Document

And now just paste your taken  screenshot. You can resize your screenshot size by right click on the top bar. Please follow the below images.

screenshot on pc

screenshot for pc

Figure: Screenshot Resizing

At the pixel dimensions section you can change the image width and height. But I don’t want to change the screenshot size so I will keep the default size and then press Ok.

screen shot for pc
                      Figure: Pixel Dimensions Section (Width and Height) 

Now I have to save my screenshot so I will go to the photoshop “File” section. Click the file option and then choose “Save As” option. So at that moment I have to select my screenshot saving destination. I want to save the screenshot to my desktop so I will select desktop.

how to take a screenshot on a pc windows 7

how to take a screenshot on a pc keyboard shortcut

4 best easiest ways to take screenshot in pc

                   Figure: Photoshop File, Save As, Desktop Destination

After selecting the destination you need to rename your screenshot. I have given my screenshot name is “how to screenshot on pc windows 7”. Actually I put my post keyword to this screenshot or image name.

how to take a screenshot on windows 7

Figure: Rename Screenshot
However, from the format option I will choose the image extension which is JPEG (*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.jpe) and then click on the save button.

how to screenshot in windows 7 with key shortcut

                                 Figure: Image extension selection

After saving the screenshot a new dialogue box will be opened on Photoshop. The dialogue box name is JPEG option and on the JPEG dialogue box please notice the image options. At the right side of the quality you can select any quality that you want. There are 4 options which are Low, Medium, High, Maximum. So I chose High and the quality value is 8. If you choose low, medium and maximum the quality value will be changed according to the quality.

                  desktop screenshot

how to take screenshot in pc

How to Take a Screenshot on a PC
                          Figure: JPEG Dialogue box and Image Quality Option

Now it is time to save the screenshot I mentioned before, I will save it to my desktop. From the desktop, I want to save it to the “New Folder”. “New Folder” was my past folder and it has been created too long before I can’t remember now. However, I will save this screen shot to this “New Folder”. After selecting the “New Folder” just I will choose the Save button to save it.

windows screenshot shortcut without print screen

Figure: Saving screenshot desktop folder location

Now it's time to check the saved file or screenshot. Just I will go to my desktop “New Folder” and I have found my saved screenshot on PC.

how to screenshot on pc windows 7

                      Figure: Checking saved Screenshot on Desktop New Folder

So this is method 2 how to take screenshot on computer by Print Screen Button and Photoshop.

I will publish Part-2 very soon. Please leave a comment below this will help me to write a new post. And also please stay tuned with me.

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